Chinese capital sees energy consumption peak, weaned off coal by 2035


Published Apr 01, 2022 08:16

SINGAPORE (Reuters) - The Chinese capital Beijing will largely wean itself off coal by 2035, when its total energy use is expected to peak at the equivalent of 90 million tonnes of standard coal, under the municipal government's energy development plan released on Friday.

By 2025, electricity, oil and natural gas will each meet roughly one third of energy demand for the Chinese capital, the country's second most populous city of 22 million people.

Coal will supply 0.9%, or at one million tonnes, of the city's energy mix by 2025, down from 1.5% in 2020, before the fossil fuel is fully phased out in 2035, the government said.

Beijing, China's most gasified city that accounts for approximately 6% of national natural gas use, is forecast to burn 20 billion cubic meters of the fuel by 2025, up 6% versus 2020 levels.

The city has also planned a significant increase in emergency gas storage, aiming to have 1.4 bcm storage capacity by 2025, up from under 200 million cubic metres in 2020.