Tariffs, Tariffs And More Tariffs

 | Dec 03, 2019 15:56

Yesterday, U.S. President Donald Trump decided enough is enough already. First, he restored tariffs on Argentina and Brazil for aluminum and steel imports to the United States. He cited a “massive devaluation of their currencies,” which, in turn, hurts American farmers. Later in the day, it was determined after a five-month investigation that a French digital tax discriminated against American Internet companies. As a result, tariffs of up to $2.4 billion on French consumer imports to the United States was proposed. In addition, ISM Manufacturing Data was worse than expected in the United States. Combine these factors together, and most major stock indices were down near 1% yesterday. In addition, the US Dollar Index was also down 0.5%.

Today, Trump said, “I have no deadline on the China deal and it might be better to wait until after November 2020 election.” And later, Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross said, “Dec. 15 tariffs on Chinese imports will be applied unless there is some real reason to postpone them, such as substantive progress in talks.” Stocks continued to sell off today, with major indices currently down nearly another 1%.