Selloff in Bonds Is a Buying Opportunity

 | Aug 23, 2023 05:50

“China, Japan, inflation, deficits, and QT, oh my!” – The chant of bond traders watching yields creep higher.

Despite the highest yields in 15 years, some bearish bond traders think they can go much higher. In their minds, China, Japan, burgeoning fiscal deficits, inflation, and QT present tailwinds for much higher yields.

We have written several articles explaining why entrenched long-term economic growth trends and associated low inflation, coupled with high and increasing leverage, all but ensure lower interest rates. This article defends our thesis and helps us better appreciate the bearish concerns weighing on bond traders.

As the quote below from Peter Atwater states, the “easiest explanation” is usually the most popular, but that doesn’t make it correct. The concerns we discuss make for good headlines and may temporarily affect bond yields, but are they worthy of much higher yields?