SEC Cracks the Whip: Which Cryptocurrencies Are Set to Suffer the Most?

 | Jun 14, 2023 06:24

  • The SEC is targeting lawsuits against major digital currency exchanges
  • Cryptocurrencies have been under pressure recently as a result
  • Meanwhile, Bitcoin is testing a key technical area
  • Last week, the U.S. Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) decided to launch a legal offensive against the largest digital currency trading exchanges: Binance and Coinbase (NASDAQ:COIN).

    The main focus of the accusations is potential illegal trading in cryptocurrencies, which the SEC believes should be classified as securities and subject to regulatory requirements.

    The commission lists more than 60 cryptocurrencies that it believes fall under the definition of a security, among which we can see the popular altcoins Cardano and Solana.

    One of the main arguments in this situation is the so-called Howey Test, which defines the criteria for determining what can be considered a security and what cannot.

    Critics, on the other hand, point out that it was introduced in 1946 and no longer corresponds to the realities of today's financial markets.

    The SEC's actions have created more headwinds, leading to a decline in the overall digital currency market.