Recession Odds Jump as the Fed Crushes Consumers

 | Apr 15, 2023 06:15

Recession odds have climbed considerably since Jerome Powell’s testimony before Congress and the latest FOMC meeting. However, the recent failures of Silicon Valley Bank and Credit Suisse (SIX:CSGN), as higher rates impact regional bank liquidity, also added to the risks.

This isn’t the first time we have warned the aggressive rate hiking campaign would either cause a recession or “break something.”

  • A “Soft Landing” Scenario – Possibility Or Fed Myth
  • “No Landing” Scenario At Odds With Fed’s Goals
  • The Lag Effect Of The Fiscal Pig & The Economic Python
  • The “Policy Pivot” May Not Be Bullish

You get the idea. We have been warning of the risk for quite some time. However, the financial markets continue to ignore the warnings.

The Fed remains abundantly clear that it still sees inflation as a “persistent and pernicious” economic threat that must be defeated. As we noted previously, the problem is that in an economy dependent on debt for economic growth, higher rates eventually lead to an “event” as borrowing costs and payments increase.