Natural Gas Rally Could Make U.S. Utilities Turn To More Coal

 | Aug 06, 2020 04:56

A 17% price jump in a day has got natural gas bulls counting on a continued rally this week, and volatility players excited about a potential return to the market’s "Wild West" days. 

But the US utilities that rely on gas as the primary fuel for power generation could cool the current upside for gas futures on the New York Mercantile Exchange’s Henry Hub by burning more coal instead. 

Gas-to-coal switching and back is a common game in US power generation. Such fuel substitution depends not only on gas prices but also on generator business models.

Merchant generators, which operate independently and compete to sell power, are the most responsive to fuel prices and also the most likely to switch away from coal when gas prices are low.

Fuel Switchers May Use More Coal In Late August/h2

Just at the start of this year, as natural gas on NYMEX’s Henry Hub hovered at $1.85 per million metric British thermal units, there was talk of a potential wave of coal-to-gas fuel switching by US generators that could provide unexpected support for summer prices. With front-month gas on the exchange hitting nine-month highs of $2.26 per mmBtu on Wednesday, the reverse could be contemplated.