How Long Will Diesel’s 'Free Lunch' From Oil Rally Last?

 | May 15, 2020 05:03

We’ve all heard the saying: "There ain't no such thing as a free lunch." It conveys a range of ideas that basically mean the same thing: nothing in life is truly free and if you want something, you have to work for it. British economist David Smith has even written a “Free Lunch” book which says that people shouldn’t be expected to pay too much for their potatoes when there are too many potatoes in the market. I hope you’ve digested that idea because I want you to tell that to buyers of diesel futures.

New York-traded futures of Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel—which until 2013 was known as Heating Oil—are up a whopping 40% over the past three weeks, hovering at 90 cents a gallon versus the 65 cents three Fridays ago. U.S. stockpiles of diesel have, meanwhile, risen 18 million barrels in the same duration, or the equivalent of 230% compared to the build seen in the week prior to those three.