Exasperating Weather Could Make This Winter's First Gas Draw A Non-Event

 | Nov 21, 2019 04:38

According to popular winter lore, the higher the squirrel builds its nest before Christmas, the colder it’ll be. Weatherman John Belski says he spotted squirrels nests at record heights in Louisville, Kentucky early this month, suggesting frigid days ahead. How natural gas bulls would wish he was right.

From early forecasts of super cold in the East Coast and other U.S. regions that use gas as the primary heating fuel, readings now show moderate chill at best — significantly diminishing the fortunes of those who bet big bucks on gas prices going stratospheric in their first major pre-winter breakout.

Gas did rally beyond the expectations of many over the past month. But it did not stay higher, and we can blame the weather for that.

More Than A Third Of Early Winter Rally Wiped Out/h3