ECB Today; Beware Of The Crowded Trade

 | Dec 03, 2015 00:21

ECB Today; Beware of the Crowded Trade:
It’s not a question of if, but rather by how much Draghi and the European Central Bank will increase its stimulus program tonight. Still fighting off the lingering effects of deflation on the stuttering European economy, Draghi has pledged to do whatever it takes to give the economy the kickstart required.

“Whatever it takes!”

Striking huh. Well, traders have known this for months now and there will be no surprises when the lever on the printing presses stays firmly pushed in the on direction heading forward. Consensus seems to be that the Euro is heading to parity but with the market already heavily short and most of what’s coming priced in, we could need one a hell of a damning set of details to see any hard drops in the Euro sustained.

Key details to keep an eye on after the release are whether the deposit rate was cut by 0.1% or 0.2% as well as any clues as to how far after September 2016 the QE end date will be pushed back to. I have heard chatter of a monthly bond buying increase of 20 billion Euros, as well as an extension somewhere deep into 2017 seen as likely.

EUR/USD 15 Minute: